Here are some of the things that we want to celebrate:
- 92% of our students met or exceeded on the Reading ISAT last year and no one scored in the warning range.
- 97% of our students met or exceeded on the Math ISAT last year and no one scored in the warning range.
- In Reading, Math, and Language Usage, our mean RIT scores on the MAP testing exceeded the National Norms at every grade level for the fall term.
- Our students have an attendance rate of over 96%.
There are many reasons for the success of the students at Prairieland:
- We have a supportive and encouraging parent community. This support includes volunteering at school, encouragement at home to value education, assistance at home on homework and practice activities, attendance at school events, parent support of teacher initiatives and interventions, and much more!
- We have an outstanding staff. The staff at Prairieland cares about the whole child, works tirelessly to find the best way to educate the students, uses creativity to "hook" students, meets students where they are ready to learn, and much more!
- We have great students who want to learn. Our students are respectful, they work hard, they understand their responsibility in the learning process, and they are motivated to be the best they can be.
It's a GREAT day to be a Cougar!
Bravo to the entire Cougarnation! We are blessed to have dedicated teachers, supportive parents and great kids. We are proud to be a part of Prairieland.